History Hans Högman
Copyright © Hans Högman 2021-08-06

Swedish History

This page has a number of articles about Swedish history divided into groups with similar topics.

How it worked in former


Old Swedish Units of Measurement Updated: 2016-12-15 Postal Services Formerly Updated: 2019-12-06 History of the Swedish School System Updated: 2021-08-29 Swedish names of diseases in earlier times, a Swedish/English Dictionary Updated: 2019-01-03 Health Care and Diseases in the Past, Updated: 2021-09-13 Swedish naming practices in earlier times Updated: 2024-11-07 A civil Allotment System Updated: 2016-12-23 The change of calendars (Julian to Gregorian calendar) Updated: 2016-12-23 Seeking information about Swedish ancestors by their last name Updated: 2016-12-14 Apprentices, Journeymen, Master Craftsmen - Swedish Guilds Updated: 2017-07-20 Angel makers (Baby farming) Updated:: 2016-12-23

The Swedish Monetary


History of the Swedish Monetary System Updated: 2016-12-22 History of Swedish Banking Updated: 2021-11-14

Church of Sweden:

History and organization of the Church of Sweden Updated: 2016-12-24 When you do genealogical research of ancestors in Sweden, you need to consult the Swedish Church records. Therefore, it would be interesting for genealogists to know how Church of Sweden, the Swedish Lutheran Church, has been organized over the years. Churching of women after childbirth and Christening traditions Updated: 2016-12-23

The Agricultural Society /


Agricultural yields and years of famine Updated: 2016-12-24 The great redistribution of land holdings (Skiftesreformen) Updated: 2016-12-24 Land ownership in earlier times - farmers Updated: 2016-12-25 The concepts of croft (torp) and crofters (torpare) Updated: 2019-05-21 The old agricultural society and its people Updated: 2016-12-25 Fäbodar - Summer Pasture Updated: 2018-08-21 Some owner's marks of my ancestors in Ljustorp and Hässjö (Y) X-joint log houses in Sweden, the history of Swedish X-joint log houses, the traditional way of building houses in most parts of Sweden. Updated: 2017-08-18 "Statare" (agricultural laborer receiving allowance (payment) in kind). Updated: 2016-12-21 Concept of Nobility Updated: 2018-08-19 Swedish Land Reforms, Updated: 2021-08-20 Sörkörare - Northern Peasants’ Sales Trips South, Updated: 2021-09-07

Län (County) / Province /


The subdivisions of Sweden into lands, provinces and counties Updated: 2019-06-04 The county of Västernorrland (Y) Updated: 2021-08-12 Map, Parishes in the province of Medelpad (Y) Plants and animals as symbols of the Swedish provinces Updated: 2016-12-25 Map, Swedish counties Updated: 2019-06-11 Map, Swedish provinces Updated: 2016-11-16 Detailed county maps, county by county (National Land Survey of Sweden's homepage)


About first and middle names in Sweden Updated: 2016-12-14 Seeking information about Swedish ancestors by their last name Updated: 2016-12-14 Personal Identity Numbers, Sweden (personnummer) Updated: 2016-12-21 Cohabitation ("sambo" relationships) Updated: 2016-11-16 Swedish inventions Updated: 2016-12-25 The Swedish Spelling Reform of 1906 Updated: 2016-11-22 Spelling of Swedish Names Updated: 2018-09-22 History of Göta Canal Updated: 2018-08-29 A Bridge Tender Family on Göta Canal Updated: 2018-09-28 An Emigrant Journey 1880 Updated: 2019-02-08 An Emigrant Journey 1904 Updated: 2019-03-06 The Concept of "Kungl. Maj:t", Updated: 2021-09-06 Union between Sweden & Norway, Updated: 2025-01-26
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History Hans Högman
Copyright © Hans Högman 2021-08-06

Swedish History

This page has a number of articles about Swedish history divided into groups with similar topics.

How it worked in former days:

Old Swedish Units of Measurement Updated: 2016-12-15 Postal Services Formerly Updated: 2019-12-06 History of the Swedish School System Updated: 2021-08-29 Swedish names of diseases in earlier times, a Swedish/English Dictionary Updated: 2019-01-03 Health Care and Diseases in the Past, Updated: 2021-09-13 Swedish naming practices in earlier times Updated: 2024-11-07 A civil Allotment System Updated: 2016-12-23 The change of calendars (Julian to Gregorian calendar) Updated: 2016-12-23 Seeking information about Swedish ancestors by their last name Updated: 2016-12-14 Apprentices, Journeymen, Master Craftsmen - Swedish Guilds Updated: 2017-07-20 Angel makers (Baby farming) Updated:: 2016-12-23

The Swedish Monetary System:

History of the Swedish Monetary System Updated: 2016-12-22 History of Swedish Banking Updated: 2021-11-14

Church of Sweden:

History and organization of the Church of Sweden Updated: 2016-12-24 When you do genealogical research of ancestors in Sweden, you need to consult the Swedish Church records. Therefore, it would be interesting for genealogists to know how Church of Sweden, the Swedish Lutheran Church, has been organized over the years. Churching of women after childbirth and Christening traditions Updated: 2016-12-23

The Agricultural Society / Nobility:

Agricultural yields and years of famine Updated: 2016-12-24 The great redistribution of land holdings (Skiftesreformen) Updated: 2016-12-24 Land ownership in earlier times - farmers Updated: 2016-12-25 The concepts of croft (torp) and crofters (torpare) Updated: 2019-05-21 The old agricultural society and its people Updated: 2016-12-25 Fäbodar - Summer Pasture Updated: 2018-08-21 Some owner's marks of my ancestors in Ljustorp and Hässjö (Y) X-joint log houses in Sweden, the history of Swedish X-joint log houses, the traditional way of building houses in most parts of Sweden. Updated: 2017-08-18 "Statare" (agricultural laborer receiving allowance (payment) in kind). Updated: 2016-12-21 Concept of Nobility Updated: 2018-08-19 Swedish Land Reforms, Updated: 2021-08-20 Sörkörare - Northern Peasants’ Sales Trips South, Updated: 2021-09-07

Län (County) / Province / Maps:

The subdivisions of Sweden into lands, provinces and counties Updated: 2019-06-04 The county of Västernorrland (Y) Updated: 2021-08-12 Map, Parishes in the province of Medelpad (Y) Plants and animals as symbols of the Swedish provinces Updated: 2016-12-25 Map, Swedish counties Updated: 2019-06-11 Map, Swedish provinces Updated: 2016-11-16 Detailed county maps, county by county (National Land Survey of Sweden's homepage)


About first and middle names in Sweden Updated: 2016-12-14 Seeking information about Swedish ancestors by their last name Updated: 2016-12-14 Personal Identity Numbers, Sweden (personnummer) Updated: 2016-12-21 Cohabitation ("sambo" relationships) Updated: 2016- 11-16 Swedish inventions Updated: 2016-12-25 The Swedish Spelling Reform of 1906 Updated: 2016-11-22 Spelling of Swedish Names Updated: 2018-09-22 History of Göta Canal Updated: 2018-08-29 A Bridge Tender Family on Göta Canal Updated: 2018-09-28 An Emigrant Journey 1880 Updated: 2019-02-08 An Emigrant Journey 1904 Updated: 2019-03-06 The Concept of "Kungl. Maj:t", Updated: 2021-09-06 Union between Sweden & Norway, Updated: 2025-01-26