Copyright © Hans Högman 2020-01-10
New Enrollment Areas in 1942
Enrollment Areas 1942 -
In 1942 the Swedish military conscription
registration system was reorganized. The former
Army and Navy Roll Keeping Areas were abolished.
The larger Enrollment Areas were kept but reduced
to 21 st, numbered 1 to 21.
In 1969 also the enrollment areas were abolished
and the conscript registration was transferred to a
new authority Värnpliktsverket with regional
conscript registration offices (värnpliktskontor).
The Enrollment Numbers from 1942
Between 1902 and 1953 military enrollment
numbers (draftee service codes) were noted in the
form SSS-EE-YY where SSS is the conscript’s
personal serial number in the roll, EE is the
enrollment area (inskrivningsområde) in the
enrollment area and YY the year of enrollment of
the conscript.
For example, 1624-8-43, where 43 is the year of
registration and 8 is the enrollment area code (8 =
Uppland enrollment area). “1624” is the conscript’s
personal serial number in the roll.
In 1953 the draftee enrollment numbers were
replaced by the national personnummer - Personal
Identity Numbers (PIN), which was introduced in
Sweden in 1947.
Enrollment Areas 1942 - 1969
The chart below shows the enrollment areas used
between 1942 and 1969:
Inskrivningsområde = Enrollment area.
1 - Stockholms inskrivningsområde
2 - Värmlands inskrivningsområde
3 - Örebro inskrivningsområde
4 - Östergötlands inskrivningsområde
5 - Jämtlands inskrivningsområde
6 - Malmöhus norra inskrivningsområde
7 - Malmöhus södra inskrivningsområde
8 - Uppsala inskrivningsområde
9 - Skaraborgs inskrivningsområde
10 - Södermanlands inskrivningsområde
11 - Kronobergs inskrivningsområde
12 - Norra Smålands inskrivningsområde
13 - Kopparbergs inskrivningsområde
14 - Gävleborgs inskrivningsområde
15 - Älvsborgs inskrivningsområde
16 - Hallands inskrivningsområde
17 - Västgöta-Bohus inskrivningsområde
18 - Gotlands inskrivningsområde
19 - Norrbottens inskrivningsområde
20 - Västerbottens inskrivningsområde
21 - Västernorrlands inskrivningsområde
Example of Draft Card (stamkort)
after 1942
Above, a draft card (stamkort/värnpliktskort) for a
draftee assigned to the infantry (infanteriet). The
draftee’s name is Karl Evald Lindblad, born in 1923,
and was registered (mönstrades) in 1943 (section 2
above). His enrollment number was 1624-8-43.
Lindblad was registered with the Uppsala Enrollment
Area (Uppsala inskrivningsområde (8)).
Under Tjänstgöring (Service data) in the card above
is information about his service; when he served on
duty; year (år), duty (tjänstgöringens benämning),
number of days (antal dagar) and unit (reg motsv.).
Lindblad did his military service/training with the
Upplands regemente (I8) (Uppland Regiment). In
the section, Tjänstgöring in the card above is a
column with the heading “Reg (motsv)”. This column
holds information about the unit’s designation for
each of the units he served in. In his case, I8, which
was the unit designation for the Uppland Regiment
and this regiment was garrisoned in the city of
Uppsala. "I" stands for "Infantry" so “I8” means the
8th infantry regiment.
Further, Lindblad served with the 13th Company
which is shown in the column with the heading
"Komp., skv., batt. osv". Numeral “13” means the
13th Company (13:e kompaniet).
More information about the unit’s designation:
Military unit designation listing.
Lindblad carried out his military training between
1944–1945 with units I80? and I48. He served with
these units between 12 April 1944 and 7 April 1945.
I80 and I48 was probably unit designations for
wartime unites temporally established during WWII.
He was assigned to Uppland Regiment I8 from April
1945, where he served from 8 April 1945 to 16 June
1945 when he was discharged. So, his military
service/training period lasted between 12 April 1944
and 16 June 1945.
Lindblad was called up for two compulsory military
refresher courses (repetitionsövning) in 1951 and
1955, of 30 days each.
The Uppland Regiment was disestablished in 1957
and Lindblad’s last military refresher course was
executed with the Södermanland Regiment (I10) in
Strängnäs in 1959.
He was transferred to the Södermanland Regiment
already in 1956. From 1963 he was attached to Göta
livgarde P1 in Enköping (an armored tank unit).
Swedes are attached to the military draft system until
their 47th birthday. Lindbald was excluded from the
military conscript system in 1970, on his 47th
Source: Göta livgarde 1943 - 1980: Personalsektionen
(AB) D1:17 (1923) Image 510 (AID: v896669.b510, NAD:
American Draft Cards
The American draft card is just a registration card
while Swedish cards serve a dual purpose in that
they also contain service data the American doesn't