Copyright © Hans Högman 2020-01-10
Navy Roll Keeping Areas
(Sjörullföringsområden) 1902 -
Navy Roll Keeping Areas
1902 - 1941
Navy Roll Keeping Areas
(Sjörullföringsområden) 1902 - 1941
The enrollment of navy draftees before 1901 was
done in their respective enrollment areas. However,
men already attached to one of the 30 “sjömanshus”
(mercantile marine offices) from 1902 were
organized in one of the six sjörullföringsområden
(Navy roll keeping areas – (draft boards)) then
established. This only applies to men employed by
the mercantile marine when drafted.
Between 1902 and 1927 there were 6 Navy roll
keeping areas; between 1927 and 1937 there were 4
and between 1938 and 1941 there were 5.
1902 - 1925: Göteborg, Härnösand, Karlskrona,
Malmö, Stockholm and Strömstad
1927 - 1937: Göteborg, Härnösand, Malmö och
1938 - 1941: Göteborg, Härnösand, Karlskrona,
Malmö and Stockholm
The Navy roll keeping areas were disestablished
in 1942 and navy draftees were again enrolled in
the regular enrollment areas.
If you find an individual in the parish records with an
enrollment number
(inskrivningsnummer/värnpliktsnummer) with a roll
keeping area code with a value of 200 or greater
then this enrollment number is a Navy enrollment
number and the roll keeping area is a sjömanshus
(merchant marine office) beloning to a
sjörullföringsområde (Navy enrollment area). See
chart below.
We have an enrollment number; F 116 212/10 . If we
browse the chart below we will find that this
conscript was registered with Helsingborgs
sjömanshus (212) which in 1910 (10) belonged to
Malmö sjörullföringsområde (Malmö Navy
Enrollment Area), subordinated Karlskrona Naval
The “F” in front of the enrollment number means
Flottan (The Navy). Another character also used
was “M” which means Marinen (The Marine).
So, use the roll keeping area code of the enrollment
number, SSS RRR/YY where RRR is the roll keeping area
code. In the example above, 212 is the roll keeping area
code. Then browse the chart below until you find 212.
You will thereby have the name of the sjömanshus and
the Navy enrollment area it belonged to.
With the help of the Navy enrollment area it will be
possible to find out which Navy unit and naval
station the conscript served at by browsing the
individual stamkort/värnpliktskort (draft cards).
Then browse the draft cards of a roll keeping area in
the same area as where the sjömanshus was located.
In the above example we have a conscript seaman
registered by Helsingborgs sjömanshus (212) and a
good staring point is to begin browsing the records
at Helsingborg rullföringsområde, nr 6.
The Mercantile Marine Offices -
Karlskrona Naval Station:
Göteborg sjörullföringsområde
204 – Uddevalla sjömanshus
205 – Marstrands sjömanshus
206 – Kungälvs sjömanshus
207 – Göteborgs sjömanshus
208 – Lidköpings sjömanshus
209 – Varbergs sjömanshus
210 – Falkenbergs sjömanshus
211 – Halmstads sjömanshus
Malmö sjörullföringsområde
212 – Helsingborgs sjömanshus
213 – Landskronas sjömanshus
214 – Malmös sjömanshus
215 – Trelleborgs sjömanshus
216 -Ystads sjömanshus
217 – Simrishamns sjömanshus
218 – Kristianstads sjömanshus
Karlskrona sjörullföringsområde
219 – Sölvesborgs sjömanshus
220 – Karlshamns sjömanshus
221 – Ronneby sjömanshus
222 – Karlskrona sjömanshus
223 – Kalmar sjömanshus
224 – Oskarshamns sjömanshus
225 – Västerviks sjömanshus
226 – Söderköpings sjömanshus
227 – Norrköpings sjömanshus
228 – Linköpings sjömanshus
229 – Vadstena sjömanshus
230 – Jönköpings sjömanshus
Stockholm Naval Station
Strömstad rullföringsområde
201 – Strömstads sjömanshus
202 – Lysekils sjömanshus
203 – Karlstads sjömanshus
Stockholm rullföringsområde
231 – Nyköpings sjömanshus
232 – Södertälje sjömanshus
233 – Stockholms sjömanshus
234 – Västerås sjömanshus
235 – Uppsala sjömanshus
236 – Visby sjömanshus
Härnösand rullföringsområde
237 – Gävle sjömanshus
238 – Söderhamns sjömanshus
239 – Hudiksvalls sjömanshus
240 – Sundsvalls sjömanshus
241 – Härnösands sjömanshus
242 – Örnsköldsviks sjömanshus
243 – Umeå sjömanshus
244 – Skellefteå sjömanshus
245 – Piteå sjömanshus
246 – Luleå sjömanshus
247 – Haparanda sjömanshus
Example of a Navy Stamkort
(Värnpliktskort) for a Mercantile
Navy Roll Keeping Area Code
Identify the roll keeping area code part in the
enrollment number. This code is next to last in the
enrollment number, just in front of the slash. For
example, if we have the enrollment number 116
212/10 the roll keeping area code is 212.
Use this code as a starting point in the chart below.
Browse the chart until you find the desired code. To
the right of the code in the chart you will find the
name of the Navy roll keeping area
In this example we have the code 212 which is
Helsingborgs sjömanshus (Helsingborg merchant
marine office) which in 1910 (10) belonged to Malmö
sjörullföringsområde (Malmö Navy Enrollment Area).
This navy enrollment area belonged to Karlskrona
Naval Station.
Above, page 1 of a stamkort/värnpliktskort for a
Navy draftee (see section 2 in the card above). This
draftee’s occupation was a seaman of the
mercantile marine (sjöman). His name is Sven
Mauritz Svensson, born in 1889, and was mustered
in 1910 (section 1 in the card above). Svensson’s
enrollment number (inskrivningsnummer) is F 116
212/1910 (F = Flottan - The Navy). Svensson was
enrolled as a draftee at Helsingborg
rullföringsområde (6) which then belonged to
Malmöhus norra inskrivningsområde (Se section 1
above). However, “212” means Helsingborg
sjömanshus beloning to Malmö sjörullföringsområde.
The reason for Svensson’s sjömanshus code (212)
instead of the regular roll keeping area code is his
occupation; mercantile seaman (sjöman) (see Yrke
(Occupation) in section 1 above).
Section 5 in the card above holds information about
the draftee’s periods of service; År (Years),
Tjänstgöringens benämning (type of service) and
Antal dagar (Number of days).
Svensson did his military service in the Navy doing
standard duties (Flottan i allmän tjänst), gun deck as
an artillery able seaman (däckavdelningen som
artillerimatros) for 300 days, which can be read at
section 2 above. Section 5 above tells us that
Svensson did military service at sea (till sjöss) 1910 -
Source reference: Malmöhus norra
inskrivningsområde (Io 6), Helsingborgs
rullföringsområde (Ro 6) (L, M) D3a:5 (1909-1911)
Bild 13990 (AID: v832198.b13990, NAD: