Sweden has been involved in many wars, especially during the period of King Gustav Vasa in the 1500’s to the regime of King Karl XIV Johan in the beginning of the 1800’s.With all the wars, the map of Sweden has changed throughout the centuries. The largest territory was held during the Swedish Great Power period from the end of the 1500’s to 1721.Sweden was not, in reality, occupied by foreign troops during this period. One exception is the province of Skåne in the south of Sweden, which once belonged to Denmark. Skåne and a few other provinces on the south and west coast became Swedish after a war with Denmark that ended in Roskilde in 1658. After that Denmark made many attempts to take back Skåne .Sweden has been at war with Russia a great number of times. Most of that time the wars have been fought outside the borders of today’s Sweden. Another nation that we have been frequently at war with is Denmark.The southeast region of Finland has also been subject to many battles.After a war with Novgorod (Russia) in 1323 the land that today is Finland became Swedish territory. So Finland has belonged to Sweden from 1323 to 1809 when we lost Finland in a war with Russia. Up until then Finland was a Swedish region and the people living there were Swedish citizens.The Baltic countries (today's Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania) and Karelen (the area where St Petersburg is today) belonged to Sweden from 1617 to 1721. So Sweden possessed land on both sides of the Baltic Sea during that period of time.Sweden also had possessions in northern Germany; Pommern, Wismar, Bremen and Verden. All of those provinces were lost in 1721 except Pommern which was held until 1814.After the war with Denmark in 1814 Sweden gained Norway from Denmark. Norway had belonged to Denmark since the 1300’s. Norway was a part of Sweden in a union from 1814 until 1905.The folowing pages contais listings of the wars and the nations Sweden has been at war with. Gain of land is marked with a "+" and loss of land with a "-". The yellow color (dark yellow) in the maps shows the Swedish territory, the pink color gained land and the green color lost land.Swedish/English Dictionary - Names of Places.Chose century in the navigation bar below:
1.Svenska krig 1521 - 1814, Ulf Sundberg, 19982.Svenska freder och stillestånd 1249 - 1814, Ulf Sundberg, 19973.Svenska regementenas historia, andra upplagan, J Mankell, 18664.Närkingar i krig och fred. Närkes militärhistoria, del I. Stiftelsen Nerekies regementen, 19895.Kungar och krigare, tre essäer om Karl X Gustav, Karl XI och Karl XII. Anders Florén, Stellan Dahlgren, Jan Lindegren. 19926.Karoliner, Alf Åberg, Göte Göransson. 19767.I karolinernas spår, Alf Åberg, 19598.Gustav II Adolf och hans folk, Göte GöranssonCan I copy material from this site?Is it OK to copy material (text or images) from this page or from any other page on this website and publish it on your own homepage? The answer is NO! However, it is OK to have a link to my pages.Top of page
Sweden has been involved in many wars, especially during the period of King Gustav Vasa in the 1500’s to the regime of King Karl XIV Johan in the beginning of the 1800’s.With all the wars, the map of Sweden has changed throughout the centuries. The largest territory was held during the Swedish Great Power period from the end of the 1500’s to 1721.Sweden was not, in reality, occupied by foreign troops during this period. One exception is the province of Skåne in the south of Sweden, which once belonged to Denmark. Skåne and a few other provinces on the south and west coast became Swedish after a war with Denmark that ended in Roskilde in 1658. After that Denmark made many attempts to take back Skåne .Sweden has been at war with Russia a great number of times. Most of that time the wars have been fought outside the borders of today’s Sweden. Another nation that we have been frequently at war with is Denmark.The southeast region of Finland has also been subject to many battles.After a war with Novgorod (Russia) in 1323 the land that today is Finland became Swedish territory. So Finland has belonged to Sweden from 1323 to 1809 when we lost Finland in a war with Russia. Up until then Finland was a Swedish region and the people living there were Swedish citizens.The Baltic countries (today's Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania) and Karelen (the area where St Petersburg is today) belonged to Sweden from 1617 to 1721. So Sweden possessed land on both sides of the Baltic Sea during that period of time.Sweden also had possessions in northern Germany; Pommern, Wismar, Bremen and Verden. All of those provinces were lost in 1721 except Pommern which was held until 1814.After the war with Denmark in 1814 Sweden gained Norway from Denmark. Norway had belonged to Denmark since the 1300’s. Norway was a part of Sweden in a union from 1814 until 1905.The folowing pages contais listings of the wars and the nations Sweden has been at war with. Gain of land is marked with a "+" and loss of land with a "-". The yellow color (dark yellow) in the maps shows the Swedish territory, the pink color gained land and the green color lost land.Swedish/English Dictionary - Names of Places.Chose century in the navigation bar below:
1.Svenska krig 1521 - 1814, Ulf Sundberg, 19982.Svenska freder och stillestånd 1249 - 1814, Ulf Sundberg, 19973.Svenska regementenas historia, andra upplagan, J Mankell, 18664.Närkingar i krig och fred. Närkes militärhistoria, del I. Stiftelsen Nerekies regementen, 19895.Kungar och krigare, tre essäer om Karl X Gustav, Karl XI och Karl XII. Anders Florén, Stellan Dahlgren, Jan Lindegren. 19926.Karoliner, Alf Åberg, Göte Göransson. 19767.I karolinernas spår, Alf Åberg, 19598.Gustav II Adolf och hans folk, Göte GöranssonCan I copy material from this site?Is it OK to copy material (text or images) from this page or from any other page on this website and publish it on your own homepage? The answer is NO! However, it is OK to have a link to my pages.Top of page