Below you will find a dictionary with words and expressions you might come across while reading articles about Swedish genealogy. Use your browser's search function to find "your" word in the dictionary below.
Genealogy Terms S
•SCB utdragenCivil registration•Sexman (pl. sexmän)A position of trust in a parish (socken) before the 1862 municipal reform. There were six men of trust in the board of sexmän, therefore the name (sexmän = six men). The sexmän supervised: that church decisions were carried out, that the church as well as the parsonage was maintained, church discipline, etc.•SjukdomDisease•SjukhusHospital•Självmördare / SjälvspillningA person who has committed suicide. People who had committed suicide (or been executed) weren’t allowed to be buried at the church cemetery (consecrated earth). Instead they were to be buried by the “bödel” (executioner/hangman) somewhere else. If the suicide was committed due to mental derangement, someone other than the executioner was allowed to bury the dead, however not at the church cemetery. From 1864 the Church agreed to bury suicides at the cemetery, but the funeral ceremony had to be "i stillhet" (quiet). However, from 1894 this type of burial could be performed the same as any other burial.”Begravd i stillhet” or ”begravd i tyshet” meant in those days that there was no bell ringing at the funeral (quiet funeral). A funeral without bell ringing was considered to be degrading.•SjömänSeamen, Sailors•Skarprättare, bödelExecutioner, hangman•Skatt (ex: inkomstskatt)Tax•SkattefrihetExemption from land dues to the crown (taxation)•SkildDivorced•SkomakareShoemaker•SkomakarmästareMaster shoemaker•SkogsvaktareForest ranger or forester•SkråGuild•SkräddareTailor•SkräddarmästareMaster tailor•Slott, BorgCastle•Släkten HögmanThe Högman Family•SläktforskareGenealogists•SläktforskningGenealogy, Genealogical research•SläktforskningslitteraturLiterature on Genealogy•SläktföreningarFamily Societies•Småbrukare (mindre jordbruk) / LantbrukareSmall farmer / small holder / farmer•Smed / MästersvenSmith, after 4 years as an apprentice, i.e. journeyman)•SmedsdrängApprentice smith, smith's henchman•SnickareCarpenter•Socken/församlingA geographical area served by a church, an ecclesiastical unit. In other words a parish.(the church socken). Prior to 1862 all parishes were referred to as “socken” in Swedish. However, after 1862 they are called “församling”. So, socken = församling = parish.•Socken (lokalt styre)The worldly (secular) socken - A geographical area for local administration. A local administration council (sockenstämma) ran the "socken". Before 1862, the church "socken" and the administrative "socken" encompassed the same territorial area. However, the worldly "socken" was replaced by an administrative subdivision called "kommun" (municipality) in that year. •SockenstämmaLocal administration council•SoldattorpSoldier croft/cottage•SonSon•Spinnsidan (av en släkt)The distaff side (of a family)•StadCity or town•Stadsfiskal (åklagare)Public prosecutor•StamfarFirst ancestor / progenitor / forefather.The person you start with when you do a pedigree (descendant chart) where you start with a specific person and do a genealogical research forward in time tracing this person's descendants.•StamtavlaGenealogical table / Descendent chartA chart where a specific person forms the starting point (progenitor/ancestor) for a genealogical study of this persons descendants.•StadsarkivCity Archives•StatareAgricultural laborer receiving allowance (payment) in kind•StatsministerPrime Minister•StatssekreterareUnder-secretary of State•SterbhusEstate of a deceased person•Stift (kyrkostift)Diocese•StånghammareTilthammer / Helve hammer•Stämning (i domstol)Summons / subpoena (legal)•Svarande (i domstol)Defendant (in legal proceedings)•Svenska kyrkanChurch of Sweden•Svensk adelSwedish nobility•Svenska stormaktstidenThe Swedish Great Power Period•Sveriges RiksdagThe Swedish Parliament•SvågerBrother-in-law•SvägerskaSister-in-law•Svärdsidan (av en släkt)The male line (of a family)•SyskonSibling / Brothers and sisters•SyskondotterNiece•SyskonsonNephew•Syssling/tremänningSecond Cousin•SysslingsbarnSecond Cousin once removed•SysslingsbarnbarnSecond Cousin second removed•SysterSister•SörkörareSörkörare needs an explanation since it can’t be translated with one word. The farmers in Southern Norrland, i.e. provinces Hälsingland, Medelpad and Ångermanland, all far north of Stockholm, went south to Stockholm and other cities around Lake Mälaren to sell their produce. The purpose was to increase their yield. They made the journeys by horses and sledges in winter when the snow lay on the ground and the lakes were frozen. Their produce was butter, fur, handicraft, woodland birds, linen etc. Each farmer could have several sledges loaded with goods, with hired hands driving each sledge. Normally they left their homes mid-January and didn’t return until about two months later. On the journey back home, they had other products of interest for the communities up north, such as grain, wrought silver, spices and exotic luxury goods like silk. Many farmers managed to build up a wealth out of these trading journeys. These farmers who made the journey south during winters to sell their products were called “Sörkörare” in Swedish. “Sör” can be derived from “south” and “körare” means “rider” or “driver”. So, “sörkörare” roughly means “south bound traders” referring to the fact that they went south in winter to sell their products.
•TestamenteWill ( last will and testament)•Tingsrätt /TíngDistrict court of law. Replace the older Häradsrätt as well as the Rådhusrätt in 1971.•Tiondeinspektör"TiondeInspektör" literally means “tithes inspector”. A tithe ("tenth") is a one-tenth part of something, paid as a contribution to a religious organization or compulsory tax to the government. Historically tithes were required and paid in kind, such as agricultural produce. Sweden imposed early a church tax linked to the tax system to financially support the Church of Sweden.Initially, the entire tithe went to the Church. However, in 1527 there was a change, now 2/3 of the tithe went over to the Swedish Government (The Crown). The tax was known as the Church tithe (kyrkotionde). The remaining 1/3 remained in the parish as salary to the parish minister. A TiondeInspektör was a kind of tax collector of the tithes.•Tolvman (pl. tolvmän) A board of 12 lay members in the district court (häradsrätt) called “nämndemän”. Since they were 12 members they were also called “tolvmän” (tolv = twelve => twelve men).•TorpCrofter's holding or cottage/croft.See also "torpare" below.•TorpareCrofter, tenant farmer. The tenant had to do a certain number of a full days' work per year on the landowner's land or estate as a payment for the tenancy. In British English the term is crofter but in the USA a "torpare" is best compared with a renter farmer.•TrolovadEngaged to be married•TrädgårdGarden•TrädgårdsmästareMaster Gardener•TullenCustoms•UtfattigDestitute•ValutaCurrency•VanförCrippled, disabled•VapensköldCoat of arms (escutcheon)•VigselMarriage•Välborne / HögvälborneThe Honorable xxxx / the Right Honorable yyyy.The title "The Honorable" was carried by untitled noblemen, younger sons of counts (earls in the UK) and by children of barons plus by ladies-in-waiting (hovdamer), members of the Supreme Court (högsta domstolen ) and by certain government officials etc.The title "The Right Honorable" was carried by counts (earls in the UK) and barons etc. In other words, born of noble family.The masculine form is Välborne / Högvälborne and the the feminine form is Välborna / Högvälborna.•VällärdScholar•VärnpliktConscription service (mil.)•VärnpliktigA person liable for military service, a conscript, draftee.•Värvning (mil.)Enrolment, enlistment•YrkeOccupation, profession•ÅboTenant farmer with a conditional, inherited lease•ÅklagarePublic Prosecutor / District attorney•ÅldermanAlderman•ÄgareOwner / proprietor (An older Swedish spelling is: Egare).•ÄktenskapMarriage•ÄktenskapsbrottAdultery•ÄrkebiskopArchbishop•ÄttlingDescendant / a person in a family tree
Below you will find a dictionary with words and expressions you might come across while reading articles about Swedish genealogy. Use your browser's search function to find "your" word in the dictionary below.
Genealogy Terms S
•SCB utdragenCivil registration•Sexman (pl. sexmän)A position of trust in a parish (socken) before the 1862 municipal reform. There were six men of trust in the board of sexmän, therefore the name (sexmän = six men). The sexmän supervised: that church decisions were carried out, that the church as well as the parsonage was maintained, church discipline, etc.•SjukdomDisease•SjukhusHospital•Självmördare / SjälvspillningA person who has committed suicide. People who had committed suicide (or been executed) weren’t allowed to be buried at the church cemetery (consecrated earth). Instead they were to be buried by the “bödel” (executioner/hangman) somewhere else. If the suicide was committed due to mental derangement, someone other than the executioner was allowed to bury the dead, however not at the church cemetery. From 1864 the Church agreed to bury suicides at the cemetery, but the funeral ceremony had to be "i stillhet" (quiet). However, from 1894 this type of burial could be performed the same as any other burial.”Begravd i stillhet” or ”begravd i tyshet” meant in those days that there was no bell ringing at the funeral (quiet funeral). A funeral without bell ringing was considered to be degrading.•SjömänSeamen, Sailors•Skarprättare, bödelExecutioner, hangman•Skatt (ex: inkomstskatt)Tax•SkattefrihetExemption from land dues to the crown (taxation)•SkildDivorced•SkomakareShoemaker•SkomakarmästareMaster shoemaker•SkogsvaktareForest ranger or forester•SkråGuild•SkräddareTailor•SkräddarmästareMaster tailor•Slott, BorgCastle•Släkten HögmanThe Högman Family•SläktforskareGenealogists•SläktforskningGenealogy, Genealogical research•SläktforskningslitteraturLiterature on Genealogy•SläktföreningarFamily Societies•Småbrukare (mindre jordbruk) / LantbrukareSmall farmer / small holder / farmer•Smed / MästersvenSmith, after 4 years as an apprentice, i.e. journeyman)•SmedsdrängApprentice smith, smith's henchman•SnickareCarpenter•Socken/församlingA geographical area served by a church, an ecclesiastical unit. In other words a parish.(the church socken). Prior to 1862 all parishes were referred to as “socken” in Swedish. However, after 1862 they are called “församling”. So, socken = församling = parish.•Socken (lokalt styre)The worldly (secular) socken - A geographical area for local administration. A local administration council (sockenstämma) ran the "socken". Before 1862, the church "socken" and the administrative "socken" encompassed the same territorial area. However, the worldly "socken" was replaced by an administrative subdivision called "kommun" (municipality) in that year. •SockenstämmaLocal administration council•SoldattorpSoldier croft/cottage•SonSon•Spinnsidan (av en släkt)The distaff side (of a family)•StadCity or town•Stadsfiskal (åklagare)Public prosecutor•StamfarFirst ancestor / progenitor / forefather.The person you start with when you do a pedigree (descendant chart) where you start with a specific person and do a genealogical research forward in time tracing this person's descendants.•StamtavlaGenealogical table / Descendent chartA chart where a specific person forms the starting point (progenitor/ancestor) for a genealogical study of this persons descendants.•StadsarkivCity Archives•StatareAgricultural laborer receiving allowance (payment) in kind•StatsministerPrime Minister•StatssekreterareUnder-secretary of State•SterbhusEstate of a deceased person•Stift (kyrkostift)Diocese•StånghammareTilthammer / Helve hammer•Stämning (i domstol)Summons / subpoena (legal)•Svarande (i domstol)Defendant (in legal proceedings)•Svenska kyrkanChurch of Sweden•Svensk adelSwedish nobility•Svenska stormaktstidenThe Swedish Great Power Period•Sveriges RiksdagThe Swedish Parliament•SvågerBrother-in-law•SvägerskaSister-in-law•Svärdsidan (av en släkt)The male line (of a family)•SyskonSibling / Brothers and sisters•SyskondotterNiece•SyskonsonNephew•Syssling/tremänningSecond Cousin•SysslingsbarnSecond Cousin once removed•SysslingsbarnbarnSecond Cousin second removed•SysterSister•SörkörareSörkörare needs an explanation since it can’t be translated with one word. The farmers in Southern Norrland, i.e. provinces Hälsingland, Medelpad and Ångermanland, all far north of Stockholm, went south to Stockholm and other cities around Lake Mälaren to sell their produce. The purpose was to increase their yield. They made the journeys by horses and sledges in winter when the snow lay on the ground and the lakes were frozen. Their produce was butter, fur, handicraft, woodland birds, linen etc. Each farmer could have several sledges loaded with goods, with hired hands driving each sledge. Normally they left their homes mid-January and didn’t return until about two months later. On the journey back home, they had other products of interest for the communities up north, such as grain, wrought silver, spices and exotic luxury goods like silk. Many farmers managed to build up a wealth out of these trading journeys. These farmers who made the journey south during winters to sell their products were called “Sörkörare” in Swedish. “Sör” can be derived from “south” and “körare” means “rider” or “driver”. So, “sörkörare” roughly means “south bound traders” referring to the fact that they went south in winter to sell their products.
Genealogy Terms T - Ö
•TestamenteWill ( last will and testament)•Tingsrätt /TíngDistrict court of law. Replace the older Häradsrätt as well as the Rådhusrätt in 1971.•Tiondeinspektör"TiondeInspektör" literally means “tithes inspector”. A tithe ("tenth") is a one-tenth part of something, paid as a contribution to a religious organization or compulsory tax to the government. Historically tithes were required and paid in kind, such as agricultural produce. Sweden imposed early a church tax linked to the tax system to financially support the Church of Sweden.Initially, the entire tithe went to the Church. However, in 1527 there was a change, now 2/3 of the tithe went over to the Swedish Government (The Crown). The tax was known as the Church tithe (kyrkotionde). The remaining 1/3 remained in the parish as salary to the parish minister. A TiondeInspektör was a kind of tax collector of the tithes.•Tolvman (pl. tolvmän) A board of 12 lay members in the district court (häradsrätt) called “nämndemän”. Since they were 12 members they were also called “tolvmän” (tolv = twelve => twelve men).•TorpCrofter's holding or cottage/croft.See also "torpare" below.•TorpareCrofter, tenant farmer. The tenant had to do a certain number of a full days' work per year on the landowner's land or estate as a payment for the tenancy. In British English the term is crofter but in the USA a "torpare" is best compared with a renter farmer.•TrolovadEngaged to be married•TrädgårdGarden•TrädgårdsmästareMaster Gardener•TullenCustoms•UtfattigDestitute•ValutaCurrency•VanförCrippled, disabled•VapensköldCoat of arms (escutcheon)•VigselMarriage•Välborne / HögvälborneThe Honorable xxxx / the Right Honorable yyyy.The title "The Honorable" was carried by untitled noblemen, younger sons of counts (earls in the UK) and by children of barons plus by ladies-in-waiting (hovdamer), members of the Supreme Court (högsta domstolen ) and by certain government officials etc.The title "The Right Honorable" was carried by counts (earls in the UK) and barons etc. In other words, born of noble family.The masculine form is Välborne / Högvälborne and the the feminine form is Välborna / Högvälborna.•VällärdScholar•VärnpliktConscription service (mil.)•VärnpliktigA person liable for military service, a conscript, draftee.•Värvning (mil.)Enrolment, enlistment•YrkeOccupation, profession•ÅboTenant farmer with a conditional, inherited lease•ÅklagarePublic Prosecutor / District attorney•ÅldermanAlderman•ÄgareOwner / proprietor (An older Swedish spelling is: Egare).•ÄktenskapMarriage•ÄktenskapsbrottAdultery•ÄrkebiskopArchbishop•ÄttlingDescendant / a person in a family tree