Genealogy Hans Högman
Copyright © Hans Högman 2020-01-22

Author with Swedish American Genealogist

Author with Swedish American Genealogist

In September 2019 I was offered to become an author with the Swedish American Genealogist, a quarterly genealogical journal published by the Swenson Swedish Immigration Research Center with Augustana College in Rock Island, Illinois, USA. This sounded very interesting, so I contacted the editor, Geoffrey Fröberg Morris, and accepted the offer of becoming an author with the journal. Geoffrey is a Nordic Research Specialist at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah. The Swedish American Genealogist is a 28-page quarterly journal that has been running since March 1981. The mission of the journal was stated by its founder Nils William Olsson, Ph.D. "The aim of SAG is to be a forum in which readers will find inspiration, assistance and enthusiasm in furthering their own genealogical studies." My first articles with the journal were two articles about the Swedish military Allotment System, part I and part II which I wrote in October 2019. Hans Högman Involved in BBC:s Who Do You Think You Are 2019 Assisting a Broadway Theater in New York 2018 Genealogical Award - "Årets Eldsjäl" 2017 About me
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Genealogy Hans Högman
Copyright © Hans Högman 2020-01-22

Author with Swedish American


Author with Swedish American Genealogist

In September 2019 I was offered to become an author with the Swedish American Genealogist, a quarterly genealogical journal published by the Swenson Swedish Immigration Research Center with Augustana College in Rock Island, Illinois, USA. This sounded very interesting, so I contacted the editor, Geoffrey Fröberg Morris, and accepted the offer of becoming an author with the journal. Geoffrey is a Nordic Research Specialist at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah. The Swedish American Genealogist is a 28-page quarterly journal that has been running since March 1981. The mission of the journal was stated by its founder Nils William Olsson, Ph.D. "The aim of SAG is to be a forum in which readers will find inspiration, assistance and enthusiasm in furthering their own genealogical studies." My first articles with the journal were two articles about the Swedish military Allotment System, part I and part II which I wrote in October 2019. Hans Högman Involved in BBC:s Who Do You Think You Are 2019 Assisting a Broadway Theater in New York 2018 Genealogical Award - "Årets Eldsjäl" 2017 About me