Military Hans Högman
Copyright © Hans Högman 2017-07-25

The Allotment System - Historic Military Ranks of the Swedish Army

Officer Ranks of the Infantry & Cavalry

Överste Colonel, a Army military rank - [commissioned] officer. The Regimental Commander. The Colonel also held a position as a commander of the First Battalion and as the commander of the Life Company. Överstelöjtnant Lieutenant Colonel, a Army military rank - [commissioned] officer. Deputy Regimental Commander. The Lieutenant Colonel also held a position as the commander of the Second Battalion and as the commander of the Lieutenant Colonel's Company (normally the 5th company). Major Major, a military rank - [commissioned] officer. A rank immediately above Captain. In the middle of the 1700's the rank "Andre Major" or Sekundmajor (Second Major) was introduced. These officers had the rank of Major but received a salary of a Captain. During the 1800's a First Major were called "Förste Major" or Premiärmajor (First Major). In the 1800's there was also a rank "Tredje Major" (Third Major). The Major also held a position as the commander of the Major's Company. Regementskvartermästare Military position (held by a commissioned officer) in the Swedish Army (Regimental Quartermaster). An officer with the responsibility to prepare a regiment's quarter and provision. There were both Company Quartermasters and Regimental Quartermasters. Kapten Army Captain, a military rank - [commissioned] officer. The Captain was the Company Commander. Ryttmästare Ryttmästare , a military rank - [commissioned] officer used in the Swedish Cavalry corresponding to a Captain in the Infantry. Löjtnant Lieutenant, a military rank - [commissioned] officer (in the US First Lieutenant). Deputy to Company Commander. Fänrik Second Lieutenant, a military rank - [commissioned] officer. Fänrik was used in the Swedish Army until 1835 when it was replaced with the rank Underlöjtnat. The rank of Fänrik was reintroduced in 1937. In former days the Fänrik was in charge of the company colors during combat. Kornett Kornett, a military rank - [commissioned] officer. Kornett is an old military rank used in the Swedish Cavalry corresponding to Fänrik in the infantry (Second Lieutenant in the US). Regementskrivare Military position (held by a commissioned officer) in the Swedish Army (Regemental scribe). A Regementsskrivare was an officer in charge of the accounts and the correspondence. The Regementsskrivare was a part of the regemental staff (Regementsstaben).

NCO and and other Lower Ranks of the Infantry & Cavalry

Fältväbel/Kvartermästare Military position (held by a non-commissioned officer, NCO) in the Swedish Army (Quartermaster Sergeant). A NCO with the responsibility to prepare a company's quarter and provision. There were both a company Quartermasters and a regimental Quartermaster. Sergeant Military rank (non-commissioned officer, NCO) in the Swedish Army. A Swedish sergeant corresponds to a Staff Sergeant in the UK and USA. In former days the Swedish Sergeant was in rank just below Fältväbel (Master Sergeant). His responsibilities were very much the same as the Fältväbel but he had no right to punish the soldiers. Förare Military rank (non-commissioned officer, NCO) in the Swedish Army (Master Sergeant). A ”förare” was in charge of the company colors. Before a battle he handed the company colors to the Second Lieutenant who was in charge of the company colors during battles. The “förare” was also in charge of the company’s wounded and sick plus the company baggage, clearing the march route etc. He was also an assistant to the Second Lieutenant. The rank Förare was used in the Swedish Army until the beginning of the 1800's. Furir Military rank (non-commissioned officer, NCO) in the Swedish Army until 1875 when this rank was replaced with Fanjunkare. The rank of Furir was reintroduced in 1914 but now as a lower rank corresponding to the English/American rank of Sergeant. In former days the Furir’s responsibility was to choose the company campsite. He also received the company food supplies and distributed it to the soldiers. Rustmästare Military rank (non-commissioned officer, NCO) in the Swedish Army until 1835. The rank of was also used between 1957 and 1972 but now as a lower rank NCO. In former days the Rustmästare was in charge of the ammunition and handed the ammo to the soldiers according to the orders. He also had the responsibility to inspect the soldier’s rifles and see to that the soldiers were clean and ready for duty. Korpral Corporal, a lower military rank. The Corporal was in charge of a korpralskap (corporalship), usually 24 soldiers. Manskapet Soldiers of rank and file. Within the artillery the term hantlangare was used for soldiers of rank and file. Spelet The company musicians; in the infantry usually 2 drummers (trumslagare) and a piper (pipare). Profoss Provost marshal, a military position (non-commissioned officer, NCO). The full title was Regementsprofoss, which later changed to Regementsväbel. The Provost supervised the order among the soldiers and executed punishments. The military punishment could be anything from death penalty to arrest, whipping/flogging or to run the gauntlet. Normally the Provost had three Assistant Provosts (gemena profosser). Fältpräst Army chaplain. In each regiment there was one regimental chaplain and two battalion chaplains. Mönsterskrivaren Military position (held by a non-commissioned officer, NCO) in the Swedish Army (Company scribe / Company clerk). A Mönsterskrivare was a NCO who was in charge of the rolls/lists (roll keeping, accounts and other desk-work). The Mönsterskrivare held a rank equal to the highest NCO rank. The number of Mönsterskrivare was reduced in the 1700's and 1800's and was abolished in 1875. Regements-fältskären Military surgeon; barber-surgeon. The regimental surgeon had three assistants. Older terms for Fältskär are Bardskärare and Barberare.

The Allotment System - Sweden (4)

Special Artillery Ranks

Styckjunkare Military rank (non-commissioned officer, NCO) in the Swedish Artillery. “Stycke” is an old term for artilley piece. An other term for Styckjunkare was Överfyrvaktare. Corresponds to Fanjunkare in the infantry. Konstapel Corresponds to Corporal in the infantry. Lärkonstapel "Vice" Corporal in the artillery (US: Lance Corporal). Hantlangare Artillery soldiers of rank and file

Terms for Soldiers

Menig Private soldier Manskap Private soldiers, men of rank and file Soldat Soldier Volontär Volunteer. Volunteer was a term used for military personnel being trained to become NCOs or officers. The volunteer system was used both in the Army as well as within the Navy. A volunteer started off as a soldier/seaman but had a higher position or status than the ordinary soldier/seaman. See also Military ranks of today
xxxxx Swegen xxxxxxxxxxx

Military Hans Högman
Copyright © Hans Högman 2017-07-25

The Allotment System - Historic

Military Ranks of the Swedish


Officer Ranks of the Infantry & Cavalry

Överste Colonel, a Army military rank - [commissioned] officer. The Regimental Commander. The Colonel also held a position as a commander of the First Battalion and as the commander of the Life Company. Överstelöjtnant Lieutenant Colonel, a Army military rank - [commissioned] officer. Deputy Regimental Commander. The Lieutenant Colonel also held a position as the commander of the Second Battalion and as the commander of the Lieutenant Colonel's Company (normally the 5th company). Major Major, a military rank - [commissioned] officer. A rank immediately above Captain. In the middle of the 1700's the rank "Andre Major" or Sekundmajor (Second Major) was introduced. These officers had the rank of Major but received a salary of a Captain. During the 1800's a First Major were called "Förste Major" or Premiärmajor (First Major). In the 1800's there was also a rank "Tredje Major" (Third Major). The Major also held a position as the commander of the Major's Company. Regementskvartermästare Military position (held by a commissioned officer) in the Swedish Army (Regimental Quartermaster). An officer with the responsibility to prepare a regiment's quarter and provision. There were both Company Quartermasters and Regimental Quartermasters. Kapten Army Captain, a military rank - [commissioned] officer. The Captain was the Company Commander. Ryttmästare Ryttmästare , a military rank - [commissioned] officer used in the Swedish Cavalry corresponding to a Captain in the Infantry. Löjtnant Lieutenant, a military rank - [commissioned] officer (in the US First Lieutenant). Deputy to Company Commander. Fänrik Second Lieutenant, a military rank - [commissioned] officer. Fänrik was used in the Swedish Army until 1835 when it was replaced with the rank Underlöjtnat. The rank of Fänrik was reintroduced in 1937. In former days the Fänrik was in charge of the company colors during combat. Kornett Kornett, a military rank - [commissioned] officer. Kornett is an old military rank used in the Swedish Cavalry corresponding to Fänrik in the infantry (Second Lieutenant in the US). Regementskrivare Military position (held by a commissioned officer) in the Swedish Army (Regemental scribe). A Regementsskrivare was an officer in charge of the accounts and the correspondence. The Regementsskrivare was a part of the regemental staff (Regementsstaben).

NCO and and other Lower Ranks of the

Infantry & Cavalry

Fältväbel/Kvartermästare Military position (held by a non-commissioned officer, NCO) in the Swedish Army (Quartermaster Sergeant). A NCO with the responsibility to prepare a company's quarter and provision. There were both a company Quartermasters and a regimental Quartermaster. Sergeant Military rank (non-commissioned officer, NCO) in the Swedish Army. A Swedish sergeant corresponds to a Staff Sergeant in the UK and USA. In former days the Swedish Sergeant was in rank just below Fältväbel (Master Sergeant). His responsibilities were very much the same as the Fältväbel but he had no right to punish the soldiers. Förare Military rank (non-commissioned officer, NCO) in the Swedish Army (Master Sergeant). A förare” was in charge of the company colors. Before a battle he handed the company colors to the Second Lieutenant who was in charge of the company colors during battles. The “förare” was also in charge of the company’s wounded and sick plus the company baggage, clearing the march route etc. He was also an assistant to the Second Lieutenant. The rank Förare was used in the Swedish Army until the beginning of the 1800's. Furir Military rank (non-commissioned officer, NCO) in the Swedish Army until 1875 when this rank was replaced with Fanjunkare. The rank of Furir was reintroduced in 1914 but now as a lower rank corresponding to the English/American rank of Sergeant. In former days the Furir’s responsibility was to choose the company campsite. He also received the company food supplies and distributed it to the soldiers. Rustmästare Military rank (non-commissioned officer, NCO) in the Swedish Army until 1835. The rank of was also used between 1957 and 1972 but now as a lower rank NCO. In former days the Rustmästare was in charge of the ammunition and handed the ammo to the soldiers according to the orders. He also had the responsibility to inspect the soldier’s rifles and see to that the soldiers were clean and ready for duty. Korpral Corporal, a lower military rank. The Corporal was in charge of a korpralskap (corporalship), usually 24 soldiers. Manskapet Soldiers of rank and file. Within the artillery the term hantlangare was used for soldiers of rank and file. Spelet The company musicians; in the infantry usually 2 drummers (trumslagare) and a piper (pipare). Profoss Provost marshal, a military position (non- commissioned officer, NCO). The full title was Regementsprofoss, which later changed to Regementsväbel. The Provost supervised the order among the soldiers and executed punishments. The military punishment could be anything from death penalty to arrest, whipping/flogging or to run the gauntlet. Normally the Provost had three Assistant Provosts (gemena profosser). Fältpräst Army chaplain. In each regiment there was one regimental chaplain and two battalion chaplains. Mönsterskrivaren Military position (held by a non-commissioned officer, NCO) in the Swedish Army (Company scribe / Company clerk). A Mönsterskrivare was a NCO who was in charge of the rolls/lists (roll keeping, accounts and other desk-work). The Mönsterskrivare held a rank equal to the highest NCO rank. The number of Mönsterskrivare was reduced in the 1700's and 1800's and was abolished in 1875. Regements-fältskären Military surgeon; barber-surgeon. The regimental surgeon had three assistants. Older terms for Fältskär are Bardskärare and Barberare.

The Allotment System -

Sweden (4)

Special Artillery Ranks

Styckjunkare Military rank (non-commissioned officer, NCO) in the Swedish Artillery. “Stycke” is an old term for artilley piece. An other term for Styckjunkare was Överfyrvaktare. Corresponds to Fanjunkare in the infantry. Konstapel Corresponds to Corporal in the infantry. Lärkonstapel "Vice" Corporal in the artillery (US: Lance Corporal). Hantlangare Artillery soldiers of rank and file

Terms for Soldiers

Menig Private soldier Manskap Private soldiers, men of rank and file Soldat Soldier Volontär Volunteer. Volunteer was a term used for military personnel being trained to become NCOs or officers. The volunteer system was used both in the Army as well as within the Navy. A volunteer started off as a soldier/seaman but had a higher position or status than the ordinary soldier/seaman. See also Military ranks of today