Military Hans Högman
Copyright © Hans Högman 2017-06-13


Sweden has been involved in many wars throughtout the centuries. Between the Libiration War of King Gustav Vasa 1521 - 1523 and up to the regime of King Karl XIV  Johan in the beginning of the 1800’s Sweden has been involved in 31 wars. The majority of these wars have been with either Denmark or Russia. The third nation is Poland. The Swedish Army and Navy have been involved in many battles in these wars. These pages “Famous Swedish Battles” will illustrate some of these battles during the 1600s, 1700s and 1800s. The majority of the pages about the Swedish battles are still in Swedish. If you care, you can use software such as Google Translate to translate the contents of these pages into English. Read about the Swedish battles by choosing century in the navigation bar below:

Famous Swedish Battles (1)

Source References

  1.  Närkingar i krig och fred. Närkes militärhistoria, del I. Stiftelsen Nerekies regementen, 1989   2.  Kungliga Södermanlands regemente under 350 år, 1977   3.  Kungar och krigare, tre essäer om Karl X Gustav, Karl XI och Karl XII. Anders Florén, Stellan Dahlgren,Jan Lindegren, 1992   4 . Historien om Sverige, När Sverige blev stormakt. Herman Lindqvist, 1994   5.  Historien om Sverige, Storhet och fall. Herman Lindqvist, 1995   6.  Karoliner. Alf Åberg, Göte Göransson, 1976   7.  I karolinernas spår. Alf Åberg, 1959   8.  Poltava. Peter Englund, 1988   9.  Gustav II Adolf och hans folk. Göte Göransson, 1994 10.  Ofredssår. Peter Englund, 1993 11.  Focus 98, Norstedts Multimedia. 1997 12. Slaget vid Lund (Ett mord och icke ett fältslag), Claes Wahlöö & Göran Larsson, 1998 13. Svenska krig 1521 – 1814, Ulf Sundberg, 1998 14. Skånska kriget 1675 – 1679, Claes-Göran Isacsson, 2000 15. Kungl. Södermanlands regementes historia 1771 – 1915, Karl K:sson Leijonhufvud, 1915
xxxxx Swegen xxxxxxxxxxx

Military Hans Högman
Copyright © Hans Högman 2017-06-13


Sweden has been involved in many wars throughtout the centuries. Between the Libiration War of King Gustav Vasa 1521 - 1523 and up to the regime of King Karl XIV  Johan in the beginning of the 1800’s Sweden has been involved in 31 wars. The majority of these wars have been with either Denmark or Russia. The third nation is Poland. The Swedish Army and Navy have been involved in many battles in these wars. These pages “Famous Swedish Battles” will illustrate some of these battles during the 1600s, 1700s and 1800s. The majority of the pages about the Swedish battles are still in Swedish. If you care, you can use software such as Google Translate to translate the contents of these pages into English. Read about the Swedish battles by choosing century in the navigation bar below:

Famous Swedish

Battles (1)

Source References

  1.  Närkingar i krig och fred. Närkes militärhistoria, del I. Stiftelsen Nerekies regementen, 1989   2.  Kungliga Södermanlands regemente under 350 år, 1977   3.  Kungar och krigare, tre essäer om Karl X Gustav, Karl XI och Karl XII. Anders Florén, Stellan Dahlgren,Jan Lindegren, 1992   4 . Historien om Sverige, När Sverige blev stormakt. Herman Lindqvist, 1994   5.  Historien om Sverige, Storhet och fall. Herman Lindqvist, 1995   6.  Karoliner. Alf Åberg, Göte Göransson, 1976   7.  I karolinernas spår. Alf Åberg, 1959   8.  Poltava. Peter Englund, 1988   9.  Gustav II Adolf och hans folk. Göte Göransson, 1994 10.  Ofredssår. Peter Englund, 1993 11.  Focus 98, Norstedts Multimedia. 1997 12. Slaget vid Lund (Ett mord och icke ett fältslag), Claes Wahlöö & Göran Larsson, 1998 13. Svenska krig 1521 – 1814, Ulf Sundberg, 1998 14. Skånska kriget 1675 – 1679, Claes-Göran Isacsson, 2000 15. Kungl. Södermanlands regementes historia 1771 – 1915, Karl K:sson Leijonhufvud, 1915