Military Hans Högman
Copyright © Hans Högman, 2019-05-21


The allotted regiments, also known as provincial regiments, were established in the various counties of Sweden and were also carrying the name of the respective county or province. So, the locations of the allotted regiments were the county/counties were they were established. That is also were the regiments’ rotar and rusthåll were located. Below is a territorial overview of the Swedish allotted infantry regiments' locations.

The Allotted Infantry Regiments - Sweden

Territorial Overview of the Swedish Allotted Infantry Regiments' Locations

Locations of the Allotted Infantry Regiments

Andra livgrenadjärregementet * Bohusläns regemente * Dalregementet Hälsinge regemente Jämtlands fältjägarregemente Jönköpings regemente Kalmar regemente Kronobergs regemente Livregementets grenadjärer Norra Skånska infanteriregementet Norrbottens regemente Närke-Värmlands regemente Närkes regemente Smålands grenadjärkår * Skaraborgs regemente Södermanlands regemente Södra Skånska infanteriregementet Upplands regemente Värmlands regemente Västerbottens regemente Västgöta regemente * Västgöta-Dals regemente Västmanlands regemente Älvsborgs regemente Östgöta infanteriregemente * = former cavalry regiments Please close the information pop up window each time it has been opened by clicking on the “X”.
Click on the information symbols to get information about each regiment. At the same time you will see each regiment's location on the map (white color). Please close the information pop up window each time it has been opened!
xxxxx Swegen xxxxxxxxxxx

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Related links

An outline of the distribution of "rotar" (military wards) per county in the Allotment System About the Names of the Allotted Regiments Top of page
Militaria Hans Högman
Copyright © Hans Högman, 2019-05-21


The allotted regiments, also known as provincial regiments, were established in the various counties of Sweden and were also carrying the name of the respective county or province. So, the locations of the allotted regiments were the county/counties were they were established. That is also were the regiments’ rotar and rusthåll were located. Below is a territorial overview of the Swedish allotted infantry regiments' locations.

The Allotted Infantry Regiments -


Territorial Overview of the Swedish

Allotted Infantry Regiments' Locations

Locations of the Allotted

Infantry Regiments

Andra livgrenadjärregementet * Bohusläns regemente * Dalregementet Hälsinge regemente Jämtlands fältjägarregemente Jönköpings regemente Kalmar regemente Kronobergs regemente Livregementets grenadjärer Norra Skånska infanteriregementet Norrbottens regemente Närke-Värmlands regemente Närkes regemente Smålands grenadjärkår * Skaraborgs regemente Södermanlands regemente Södra Skånska infanteriregementet Upplands regemente Värmlands regemente Västerbottens regemente Västgöta regemente * Västgöta-Dals regemente Västmanlands regemente Älvsborgs regemente Östgöta infanteriregemente * = former cavalry regiments Please close the information pop up window each time it has been opened by clicking on the “X”.
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Relaterade länkar

Fördelning av rotar per län, infanteriet Överst på sidan
Click on the information symbols to get information about each regiment. At the same time you will see each regiment's location on the map (white color). Please close the information pop up window each time it has been opened!