The allotted regiments, also known as provincial regiments, were established in the various counties of Sweden and were also carrying the name of the respective county or province. So, the locations of the allotted regiments were the county/counties were they were established. That is also were the regiments’ rotar and rusthåll were located. Below is a territorial overview of the Swedish allotted infantry regiments' locations.
The Allotted Infantry Regiments - Sweden
Territorial Overview of the Swedish Allotted Infantry Regiments' Locations
Locations of the Allotted Infantry Regiments
Andra livgrenadjärregementet *Bohusläns regemente *Dalregementet Hälsinge regemente Jämtlands fältjägarregemente Jönköpings regemente Kalmar regemente Kronobergs regemente Livregementets grenadjärer Norra Skånska infanteriregementet Norrbottens regemente Närke-Värmlands regemente Närkes regemente Smålands grenadjärkår *Skaraborgs regemente Södermanlands regemente Södra Skånska infanteriregementet Upplands regemente Värmlands regemente Västerbottens regemente Västgöta regemente *Västgöta-Dals regemente Västmanlands regemente Älvsborgs regemente Östgöta infanteriregemente * = former cavalry regimentsPlease close the information pop up window each time it has been opened by clicking on the “X”.
Click on the information symbols to get information about each regiment. At the same time you will see each regiment's location on the map (white color). Please close the information pop up window each time it has been opened!
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English: Östgöta Infantry RegimentEstablished: 1636 as Östgöta infanteriregementeAttached to the Allotment System: 1685Disestablished: 1998Names: 1636 Östgöta infanteriregemente1791 Livgrenadjärreg rotehålls div.1816 Första Livgrenadjärsregementet, I41927 Livgrenadjärsregementet, I4 (merger with I5)Number of rotar: 1200 Number of companies: 8 Locations of the rotar: Östergötland countyTraining camp: Malmen, LinköpingPrimary Garrison: 1922 LinköpingMore info
Älvsborgs regemente
English: Älvsborg RegimentEstablished: 1624 as Älvsborgs regementeAttached to the Allotment System: 1683Disestablished: 1998Name: Älvsborgs regemente, I15Number of rotar: 1200 Number of companies: 8 Locations of the rotar: Southern Västergötland: Älvsborg county 1191, Göteborg county 9Training camp: Timmele hed, Kila hed, Örby hed, 1797 Fristad hedPrimary Garrison: 1914 BoråsMore info
Västmanlands regemente
English: Västmanland RegimentEstablished: 1623 as Västmanlands regementeAttached to the Allotment System: 1682Disestablished: 1927Names: Västmanlands regemente, I18Number of rotar: 1200 Number of companies: 8 Locations of the rotar: Västmanland county 940, Örebro county 55, Kopparberg county 205Training camp: Utnäslöt, 1780 SalbohedPrimary Garrison: 1906 VästeråsMore info
Västgöta-Dals regemente
English: Västgöta-Dal RegimentEstablished: 1624 as Västgöta-Dals regementeAttached to the Allotment System: 1685Disestablished: 2000Names: 1624 Västgöta-Dals regemente1902 Hallands regemente, I16 (flyttas till Halland)Number of rotar: 1200 Number of companies: 8 Locations of the rotar: Västergötland and Dalsland: Skaraborg county 300, Älvsborg county 900Training camp: Nygårdsängen, från 1863 GunnebohedPrimary Garrison: 1907 HalmstadMore info
Västgöta regemente
English: Västgöta RegimentEstablished: 1628 as Västgöta regemente till hästAttached to the Allotment System: 1691Disestablished: 1927Names: 1628 Västgöta regemente till häst1655 Västgöta kavalleriregemente1806 Västgöta dragonregemente1811 Västgöta regemente, I6 (infantry)Number of rotar: 1000 Number of companies: 8 Locations of the rotar: Västergötland; From 1811: Skaraborg county 791, Älvsborg county 208, Gbg and Bohuslän 1.Training camp: Eggby ängar, 1745 Axevalla hedPrimary Garrison: 1916 VärnersborgMore info
Västerbottens regemente
English: Västerbotten RegimentEstablished: 1623 as Västerbottens regementeAttached to the Allotment System: 1696Disestablished: --Names: 1623 Västerbottens regemente1829 Västerbottens fältjägarregemente, I191841 Västerbottens fältjägarkår 1892 Västerbottens regemente, I20Number of rotar: 1056 (943 after 1809 and 460 after 1841)Number of companies: 8 (after1841; 4 comp.)Locations of the rotar: Before 1809: Västerbotten county, Norrbotten county and 113 in Finland. From 1841 only Västerbotten county.Training camp: Gumboda hed, 1898 Vännäs lägerPrimary Garrison: From 1909 UmeåMore info
Värmlands regemente
English: Värmland RegimentEstablished: 1812 as Värmlands regemente(division of N-V reg)Attached to the Allotment System: 1812Disestablaihed: 2000Names: 1624 Närke-Värmlands regemente1812 Värmlands regemente, I22, I2Number of rotar: 908Number of companies: 8Locations of the rotar: All in Värmland county (west of Klarälven River)Training camp: Varpnäs mo, 1834 Trossnäs fältPrimary Garrison: 1913 KarlstadMore info
Upplands regemente
English: Uppland RegimentEstablished: 1626 as Upplands regementeAttached to the Allotment System: 1682Disestablished: 1957Names: 1626 Upplands regemente, I81904 Upplands infanteriregemente, I81928 Upplands regemente; I8Number of rotar: 1200Number of companies: 8Locations of the rotar: All in Uppland: Uppsala county 957, Stockholms county 243Training camp: Kronoparken, and Öresundsbro, from 1681 Polacksbacken Primary Garrison: From 1912 UppsalaMore info
Södra Skånska infanteriregementet
English: South Scanian Infantry RegimentEstablsihed: 1811 as Södra Skånska infanterireg.Attached to the Allotment System: 1811Disestablished: 1994Names: 1811 Södra Skånska inf.reg, I7 1963 Södra Skånska regementet, P7Number of rotar: 1002Number of companies: 8Locations of the rotar: Skåne: Kristianstad county 206, Malmöhus county 796Training camp: Veberöd, Hällestad, Tvedöra, Lund, Malmö, from 1888 RevingehedPrimary Garrison: From 1914 YstadMore info
Södermanlands regemente
English: Södermanland RegimentEstablished: 1627 as Södermanlands regementeAttached to the Allotment System: 1682Disestablished: 2006Name: Södermanlands regemente (I10, P3, P10)Number of rotar: 1200Number of companies: 8Locations of the rotar: All in Södermanland countyTraining camp: From 1774 Malma hed, MalmköpingPrimary Garrison: From 1921 SträngnäsMore info
Skaraborgs regemente
English: Skaraborg RegimentEstablished: 1624 as Skaraborgs regementeAttached to the Allotment System: 1684Disestablished:Name: Skaraborgs regemente (I9, P4)Number of rotar: 1200Number of companies: 8Locations of the rotar: All in Skaraborg countyTraining camp: Axevalla hedPrimary Garrison: From 1913 SkövdeMore info
Smålands grenadjärkår
English: Småland Grenadier CorpsEstablished: 1628 as Smålands ryttareAttached to the Allotment System: 1695Disestablished: 1901 (merger with Blekinge bataljon)Names: 1684 Smålands kavalleriregemente1808 Smålands dragonregemente1812 2 battalion forms Smålands dragonreg infanteribataljon1888 Smålands grenadjärkår, I7 Number of rotar: 500Number of companies: 4Locations of the rotar: Småland: Jönköping county 399, Kronoberg county 101Training camp: Kvarnarp, 1834 RänneslättPrimary Garrison: 1902 KarlskronaMore info
Närkes regemente
English: Närke RegimentEstablished: 1812 as Närkes regemente(division of N-V reg)Attached to the Allotment System: 1812 Disestablished: 1892 (merger with Livregementets grenadjärkår) Names: 1812 Närkes regemente, I211893 Livregementet till fot, I31904 Livregementets grenadjärer, I3Number of rotar: 1812: 766 Number of companies: 8Locations of the rotar: Värmland county 292 (östra delen), Örebro county 474 (Närke)Training camp: Sanna hedPrimary Garrison: 1912 ÖrebroMore info
Närke-Värmlands regemente
English: Närke-Värmland RegimentEstablished: 1624 as Närke-Värmlands regementeAttached to the Allotment System: 1686 in Närke, 1688 in VärmlandDisestablished: 1812 Name: 1624 Närke-Värmlands regementeNumber of rotar: 1674 Number of companies: 10Locations of the rotar: Värmland county 1200, Örebro county 474 (Närke)Training camp: Västra fältet samt SunnePrimary Garrison: More info
Norrbottens regemente
English: Norbotten RegimentEstablished: 1841 as Norrbottens fältjägarkårAttached to the Allotment System: 1841Disestablished:Names: 1841 Norrbottens fältjägarkår 1892 Norrbottens regemente, I191975 I19/P5Number of rotar: 483Number of companies: 4Locations of the rotar: Norrbotten countyTraining camp: Piteholms hed, Näsby hed, from 1883 Notvikens lägerplatsPrimary Garrison: From 1907 BodenMore info
Norra Skånska infanteriregementet
English: North Scanian Infantry RegimentEstablished: 1811 as Norra Skånska infanterireg.Attached to the Allotment System: 1811Disestablished: 1994Names: 1811 Norra Skånska inf.reg, I24, I6 1963 Norra Skånska regementet, P6Number of rotar: 984Number of companies: 8Locations of the rotar: Skåne: Kristianstad county 522, Malmöhus county 462Training camp: Kvidinge hed, Bonarps hed, from 1821 LjungbyhedPrimary Garrison: From 1923 KristianstadMore info
Livregementets grenadjärer
English: Life Regiment GrenadiersEstablished: 1791 as Livreg.brig. lätta inf. bat.Attached to the Allotment System: 1791Disestablished: 2000Names: 1791 Livregementetsbrigadens lätta inf. bat. 1815 Livregementets grenadjärkår1893 Livregementet till fot, I31904 Livregementets grenadjärer 1893 Merger with Närkes regementeNumber of rotar: 1815: 500 Number of companies: 1815: 4, 1893: 8Locations of the rotar: Västmanland county 375, Södermanland county 111, Stockholm county14.Training camp: SannahedPrimary Garrison: From 1912 ÖrebroMore info
Kronobergs regemente
English: Kronoberg RegimentEstablished: 1623 as Kronobergs regemente.Attached to the Allotment System: 1684Disestablished: 1992Name: 1623 Kronobergs regemente, I11 Number of rotar: 1100 Number of companies: 8Locations of the rotar: All in Kronoberg county Training camp: KronobergshedPrimary Garrison: From 1920 EksjöMore info
Kalmar regemente
English: Kalmar RegimentEstablished: 1623 as Kalmar regemente.Attached to the Allotment System: 1686Disestablished: 1927Names: 1623 Kalmar regemente (I20, from 1892 I21) 1927 Jönköpings- och Kalmar regemente1948 Norra Smålands regemente (I12)Number of rotar: 1100 Number of companies: 8Locations of the rotar: Småland: 347 in Kalmar county, 401 in Jönköping county and 352 in Kronobergs county)Training camp: Staby ängar, 1783 Mariannelund, 1797 HultsfredPrimary Garrison: Från 1918 EksjöMore info
Jönköpings regemente
English: Jönköping RegimentEstablished: 1623 as Jönköpings regemente.Attached to the Allotment System: 1685Disestablished: 1927Names: 1623 Jönköpings regemente (I12)1927 Jönköpings- och Kalmar regemente1948 Norra Smålands regemente (I12)Number of rotar: 1100Number of companies: 8Locations of the rotar: All in Jönköping county Training camp: SkillingarudPrimary Garrison: From 1913 JönköpingMore info
Jämtlands fältjägarregemente
English: Jämtland Rifle RegimentEstablished: 1646 as Ångermanlands-, Medelpads- och Jämtlands regemente.Attached to the Allotment System: 1689Disestablished:Names: 1689 Jämtlands dragonregemente1770 Jämtlands infanteriregemente1820 Jämtlands fältjägarregemente (I23)1927 Jämtlands fältjägarregemente (I5)Number of rotar: 1048 (from 1853; 525 with 4 companies.)Number of companies: 8Locations of the rotar: All in Jämtland county (of which 40 in Härjedalen and the rest in Jämtland) Training camp: FrösönPrimary Garrison: From1910 ÖstersundMore info
Hälsinge regemente
English: Hälsinge RegimentEstablished: 1630 as Joakim Brahes regementeAttached to the Allotment System: 1682Disestablished: 1992Name: from 1634 Hälsinge regemente (I14)Number of rotar: 1200Number of companies: 8Locations of the rotar: All in Gävleborg county of which 300 in Gästrikland and 900 in HälsinglandTraining camp: Florhed, from 1689 MohedPrimary Garrison: From 1909 GävleMore info
English: Dal RegimentEstablished: 1621 as DalregementetAttached to the Allotment System: 1621Disestablished: 2000Name: Dalregementet (I13)Number of rotar: 1200Number of companies: 8Locations of the rotar: All in Kopparberg County (Dalarna)Training camp: RommehedPrimary Garrison: From 1908 FalunMore info
Bohusläns regemente
English: Bohuslän RegimentEstablished: 1720 as Bohusläns kavalleri- och dragonregementeAttached to the Allotment System: 1720Disestablished: 1992 Names: 1720 Bohusläns kavalleri- och dragonreg. (cavalry)1776 Bohusläns lätta dragonregemente (cavalry)1791 Bohusläns regemente, I17 (infantry)Number of rotar: 904Number of companies: 8Locations of the rotar: All in BohuslänTraining camp: Stenehed, later backamoPrimary Garrison: From 1913 UddevallaMore info
Andra livgrenadjärsregementet
English: Second Life Grenadier RegimentEstablished: 1636 as Östgöta kavalleriregementeAttached to the Allotment System: 1689Disestablished: 1927 Names: 1636 Östgöta kavalleriregemente (cavalry)1791 Livgrenadjärreg rusthålls div. (infantry)1816 Andra Livgrenadjärsregementet, I51927 Livgrenadjärsregementet, I4 Number of rotar: 1000Number of companies: 8Locations of the rotar: Östergötland County 917, Kalmar County 83Training camp: MalmenPrimary Garrison: 1922 Linköping CityMore info
The allotted regiments, also known as provincial regiments, were established in the various counties of Sweden and were also carrying the name of the respective county or province. So, the locations of the allotted regiments were the county/counties were they were established. That is also were the regiments’ rotar and rusthåll were located. Below is a territorial overview of the Swedish allotted infantry regiments' locations.
The Allotted Infantry Regiments -
Territorial Overview of the Swedish
Allotted Infantry Regiments' Locations
Locations of the Allotted
Infantry Regiments
Andra livgrenadjärregementet *Bohusläns regemente *Dalregementet Hälsinge regemente Jämtlands fältjägarregemente Jönköpings regemente Kalmar regemente Kronobergs regemente Livregementets grenadjärer Norra Skånska infanteriregementet Norrbottens regemente Närke-Värmlands regemente Närkes regemente Smålands grenadjärkår *Skaraborgs regemente Södermanlands regemente Södra Skånska infanteriregementet Upplands regemente Värmlands regemente Västerbottens regemente Västgöta regemente *Västgöta-Dals regemente Västmanlands regemente Älvsborgs regemente Östgöta infanteriregemente * = former cavalry regimentsPlease close the information pop up window each time it has been opened by clicking on the “X”.
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Click on the information symbols to get information about each regiment. At the same time you will see each regiment's location on the map (white color). Please close the information pop up window each time it has been opened!