Military Hans Högman
Copyright © Hans Högman 2024-12-09

Navy Rank Insignias, Sweden



The following rank insignias apply as of October 1, 2019 The rank insignias of the Navy, as well as the Amphibious Corps, are worn on sleeves. That is true for the jacket/coat. However, the insignias worn on shirts are worn on the shoulders. Admirals wear the insignias on both sleeves and shoulders. The shoulder insignias look different from those on the sleeves. On all rank insignias from corporal up to ensign, in addition to the rank insignia itself, there are also symbols indicating the type of service, such as symbols for machine service, artillery, etc. NATO's standardized rank scale (NATO code) is used by NATO and its partners to compare military ranks between the armed forces of member countries as well as for a number of administrative tasks. OF-1 to OF-10 are used for officers, and OR-1 to OR-9 are used for other ranks. The NATO codes linked to each respective Swedish rank on this page are the codes used by the Swedish Armed Forces.


NATO code for each rank: 1. Menig = Seaman Recruit, OR 1 2. Menig 1 = Seaman Apprentice, OR 2 3. Menig 2 = Seaman, OR 2 4. Menig 3 = Seaman Second Class, OR 2 5. Menig 4 = Seaman First Class, OR 2 6. Vicekorpral = Senior Seaman, OR 3
NATO code for each rank: 1. Korpral = Petty Officer Fourth Class, OR 4 2. Furir = Petty Officer Third Class, OR 5 3. Överfurir = Petty Officer Third Class, OR 5

Related links

Navy rank insignia prior to 2003 Navy rank insignia 2003-2009 Navy rank insignia 2009-2019 Navy rank insignia 2019- Comparison of Military ranks – Sweden / UK / USA 2019- Comparison of Military Ranks - Sweden / UK / USA 2009 - 2019 Uniforms of the Swedish Army Historic Military Ranks, Swedish Navy Uniforms of the Swedish Navy

Reference Literature

The Swedish Armed Forces: Military Dictionary in English and Swedish by Sven Krigsman and Jörgen Svensson, 1999 Wikipedia Nationalencyklopedin Is it OK to copy material (text or images) from this page or from any other page on this website and publish it on your own homepage? The answer is NO! However, it is OK to have a link to my pages. Top of page

Military rank insignia - The Swedish Navy from 2019

Contents on this page:

Lower ranks


NATO code for each rank: 1. Fänrik = Ensign, OF 1 2. Löjtnant = Lieutenant Junior Grade, OF 1 3. Kapten = Lieutenant, OF 2 4. Örlogskapten = Lieutenant Commander, OF 3 5. Kommendörkapten = Commander, OF 4 6. Kommendör = Captain, OF 5


NATO code for each rank: 1. Flottiljamiral = Rear Admiral Lower Half, OF 6 2. Konteramiral = Rear Admiral Upper Half, OF 7 3. Viceamiral = Vice-Admiral, OF 8 4. Amiral = Admiral, OF 9
xxxxx Swegen xxxxxxxxxxx


Non Commissioned Officers

NATO code for each rank: 1. Sergeant = Petty Officer Second Class, OR 6 2. Översergeant = Petty Officer First Class, OR 6 3. Fanjunkare = Chief Petty Officer, OR 7 4. Överfanjunkare = Chief Petty Officer First Class, OR 7 5. Förvaltare = Senior Chief Petty Officer, OR 8 6. Regementsförvaltare = Master Chief Petty Officer, OR 9
Military Hans Högman
Copyright © Hans Högman 2024-12-09

Navy Rank Insignias,



The following rank insignias apply as of October 1, 2019 The rank insignias of the Navy, as well as the Amphibious Corps, are worn on sleeves. That is true for the jacket/coat. However, the insignias worn on shirts are worn on the shoulders. Admirals wear the insignias on both sleeves and shoulders. The shoulder insignias look different from those on the sleeves. On all rank insignias from corporal up to ensign, in addition to the rank insignia itself, there are also symbols indicating the type of service, such as symbols for machine service, artillery, etc. NATO's standardized rank scale (NATO code) is used by NATO and its partners to compare military ranks between the armed forces of member countries as well as for a number of administrative tasks. OF-1 to OF-10 are used for officers, and OR- 1 to OR-9 are used for other ranks. The NATO codes linked to each respective Swedish rank on this page are the codes used by the Swedish Armed Forces.


NATO code for each rank: 1. Menig = Seaman Recruit, OR 1 2. Menig 1 = Seaman Apprentice, OR 2 3. Menig 2 = Seaman, OR 2 4. Menig 3 = Seaman Second Class, OR 2 5. Menig 4 = Seaman First Class, OR 2 6. Vicekorpral = Senior Seaman, OR 3

Military rank insignia - The Swedish

Navy from 2019

Lower ranks

NATO code for each rank: 1. Korpral = Petty Officer Fourth Class, OR 4 2. Furir = Petty Officer Third Class, OR 5 3. Överfurir = Petty Officer Third Class, OR 5


NATO code for each rank: 1. Fänrik = Ensign, OF 1 2. Löjtnant = Lieutenant Junior Grade, OF 1 3. Kapten = Lieutenant, OF 2 4. Örlogskapten = Lieutenant Commander, OF 3 5. Kommendörkapten = Commander, OF 4 6. Kommendör = Captain, OF 5


NATO code for each rank: 1. Flottiljamiral = Rear Admiral Lower Half, OF 6 2. Konteramiral = Rear Admiral Upper Half, OF 7 3. Viceamiral = Vice-Admiral, OF 8 4. Amiral = Admiral, OF 9

Related links

Navy rank insignia prior to 2003 Navy rank insignia 2003-2009 Navy rank insignia 2009-2019 Navy rank insignia 2019- Comparison of Military ranks – Sweden / UK / USA 2019- Comparison of Military Ranks - Sweden / UK / USA 2009 - 2019 Uniforms of the Swedish Army Historic Military Ranks, Swedish Navy Uniforms of the Swedish Navy

Reference Literature

The Swedish Armed Forces: Military Dictionary in English and Swedish by Sven Krigsman and Jörgen Svensson, 1999 Wikipedia Nationalencyklopedin Is it OK to copy material (text or images) from this page or from any other page on this website and publish it on your own homepage? The answer is NO! However, it is OK to have a link to my pages. Top of page

Non Commissioned Officers

NATO code for each rank: 1. Sergeant = Petty Officer Second Class, OR 6 2. Översergeant = Petty Officer First Class, OR 6 3. Fanjunkare = Chief Petty Officer, OR 7 4. Överfanjunkare = Chief Petty Officer First Class, OR 7 5. Förvaltare = Senior Chief Petty Officer, OR 8 6. Regementsförvaltare = Master Chief Petty Officer, OR 9