Copyright © Hans Högman 2021-01-11
Military Postal Cards,
Military Postal Cards - Militära
tjänstebrevkort (MTjbK)
Postal cards were used by the Swedish Armed
Forces to call up men for military service, both for
training as well as active service.
Postal Cards
Postal cards without picture were introduced in
1872 in Sweden. When picture postcards were
introduced about ten years later they were first
called "Brevkort med vyer" (postal cards with picture)
which later was changed to "vykort".
The postal cards (brevkort) are therefore closely
related to the so-called "vykort". For official use
there were tjänstebrevkort and the Armed Forces
used these postal cards to call up conscripts for
military service, the so-called "militära
tjänstebrevkort" (military postal cards).
The military postal card (tjänstebrevkort) is
addressed to conscript soldier 359 62/1912 Erik
Persson, Fridhem No 7, Hudiksvall and is
postmarked Ljusdal on 10 November 1922. Erik's
occupation is listed as "stationskarl" (station hand,
railroad station).
The number 359 62/1912 is Erik Persson's conscript
registration number. 1912 is the year of registration
and 62 is the enrollment area (rullföringsområde)
which is Ljusdal enrollment area which at the time
was part of Jämtland registration area
(inskrivningsområde). 359 is Erik's serial number in
the registration roll (inskrivningsrullan).
The photo is shown with consent of great grandson
Jason Pearson, Colorado, USA.
Reverse side of a military postal card dated on 7
November 1919. It is signed by S. John Svanberg,
Commander of Ljusdal Enrollment Area, N:o 62.
The postal card is marked "Ljusdals R. O.
(Rullföringsområde). The headline reads
"Certification of fulfilled enrollment" (Kvitto på
fullgjord mönstring).
The photo is shown with consent of great grandson
Jason Pearson, Colorado, USA.
This is a page from Erik Persson's enrollment book
(inskrivningsbok). His conscript registration number
is: 359 62/1912.
Erik was born on 7 February 1891 in Njutånger (X).
His occupation is listed as an employee at a hauler
company (åkardräng).
The enrollment (inskriven) was carried out in 1912.
The enrollment book is signed by P. H. Söderberg,
Commander of Ljusdal registration area no 62.
Erik did his military service as a conscript at the
Norrland Artillery Regiment, A4, Östersund (Z).
The photo is shown with consent of great grandson
Jason Pearson, Colorado, USA.
This is a picture of Erik Persson, taken in the
middle of the 1920's in Sweden.
Erik immigrated to the USA together with his wife
Agda (b. 1892, née Nordholm) and the sons Erik
Arne (b.1918), Olof Lennart (b. 1922) and Sven
Torsten (b. 1925) and settled in Chicago, Illinois.
Erik immigrated to the USA alone in 1925 while his
wife and children followed in 1926.
In the US the family Americanized their surname
to Pearson.
The photo is shown with consent of great
grandson Jason Pearson, Colorado, USA.