Copyright © Hans Högman 2020-01-22
The Pettersson
The Pettersson family originates from a place called
Helgum in the county of Västernorrland (province of
The map below shows Västernorrland County (Län)
in Sweden with Sollefteå town. Västernorrland is in
mid Sweden and Sollefteå is located about 550 km
north of Stockholm. Helgum is located 30 - 40 km
west of Sollefteå.
Population in Helgum: 147 (2005).
The county code of Västernorrland is "Y". For
example Helgum (Y).
The Pettersson Name
In Sweden we began using family names at the end
of the 1800-hundreds, that is children inherited the
same surname as their father. In the year 1901 a law
was passed stating that we had to use family names.
Before that we used patronymic names. That means
that the children were given a last name ending with
-son or -dotter (daughter) and started with the
father's first name.
For example, if a man called Anders Nilsson had a
son named Peter and a daughter named Anna, the
children’s full name would be: Peter Andersson and
Anna Anderssdotter. That is Peter son of Anders and
Anna daughter of Anders.
If Peter had a son called Nils, then Nils's full name
would be Nils Petersson.
Normally the "-son" surnames are spelt with two "s".
These ways of giving surnames (patronymic) are still
used on Iceland.
At the end of the 1800's when people started to
change their patronymic surnames to family names
they often took a family name with a local
association to nature, farm name, village name etc.
But most people kept their "-son" name as a family
The patronymics were mostly used in the rural areas.
Among nobility, clergy, the military, etc they started
much earlier with family names. Priests often spelt
their names in Latin
way, for example
Laurentius Hornaues
(Lars from Horn). The
different groups had
different patterns of
See map of Helgum to
the right. A more
detailed map
What about the Pettersson name?
There are many Pettersson families in Sweden that is
not related and this is the story of "my" Pettersson
We have to go back to the beginning of the 1800's.
My mother's mother's father's father Pehr
Pettersson (1819-1887), was born in a parish called
Älvdalen, Dalarna province (W) and died in Helgum
parish, Ångermanland province. His children adopted
their father's surname as their family name.
His son, master house painter Lars Abraham
Pettersson is the first generation who carried the
name Pattersson as a family name.
If we go another two generations back in time of the
Pettersson family we have Trapp Pehr Ersson. He
was born 1753, farmer in the village Åsen in
Älvdalen, Dalarna. His wife was Anna, Pehrsdotter,
born 1759.
There is an interesting story concerning him.
In 1984, a Swedish family, Erik and Karin Hedman,
visited some relatives in the US. The relatives were
cousins of Erik and they lived in the northern parts of
The Hedman's made a visit to a local history museum
and at the museum they found several items related
to the province of Dalarna in Sweden.
One item was a wooden stick with the year 1780 and
the initials JPD engraved in the stick. There were
also a sentence written with runic characters,
characters that still were in use in Älvdalen around
1780. Älvdalen was the only place in Sweden using
runic characters as late as the 1780's.
The stick was a so called "kassasticka", a stick that
was used in former days in the head of the cradle
("kassen") when the child was baptized, preventing
the quilt getting too close to the child's face.
The museum didn't have any information on these
items other then that they belonged to the P. O.
Fryklund's collection.
Karin copied the characters on the stick and back in
Sweden she started to translate the text.
The information on the stick was:
JPD den 13 november 1780 (JPD, November
13th 1780)
APD är född år 1785 den 12 april (APD, born in
April 12, 1785)
NPS är född den 10 november 1787 (NPS, born
in November 10, 1787)
EPS (EPS, there were no room for further text
on the stick)
The information turned out to be about Trapp Pehr
Ersson's family. The initials on the stick are the
initials of his children. JPD = , Justina PehrsDotter,
APD = Anna PehrsDotter, NPS = Nils PehrsSson and
EPS = Eric PehrSson. The dates were the birth dates
of the children.
What Karin didn't figure out was how the stick ended
up in the US? No member of the Trapp Pehr Ersson's
family emigrated to USA. All of the siblings were
married locally. Neither has anyone of the part of the
family that moved to Helgum emigrated.
This information about the "kassasticka" is from an
article written by Karin Hedman Larsson, published
in the magazine Skansvakten.
In 2006 I got a mail from Anna Larsson, a relative to
P. O. Fryklund, with the following information:
"P. O. Fryklund's family emigrated from Lima in northern
Dalarna to USA. An aunt (moster) of P. O. Fryklund
stayed behind in Sweden and she was continuously
sending items from Sweden to his museum in
Minnesota. Also many of his relatives in Sweden went
over to the US to visit him and probably they also
brought items to his museum."
This is probably how this "kassticka" ended up in a
museum in Minnesota.
Anna also told me that P. O. Fryklund, together with
his parents, immigrated to the US in 1882. They
settled down in Roseau County, MN, which also is
the location of the museum.
My Maternal Grandmother’s
Parents, The Pettersson’s in
A short presentation to my mother's mother's
Lars Abraham Pettersson, born on April 5th 1862
in Västergransjö Helgum, dead June 19,1926 in
Mellangranjsö, Helgum parish.
He is getting married on February 2, 1890 in Helgum
to Margareta Jonsson, born April 20, 1861 in
Västergransjö Helgum,
dead July 21,1932 in
Mellangransjö, Helgum.
The image to the right
shows Lars Abraham
Pettersson with his wife
Johan Fabian (1891 - 1960), Helgum
Per Viktor (1893 - 1939), Helgum
Lars (1894 - 1896), Helgum
Anna Margareta (1897 - 1966), Helgum (my
Ville (1899 - 1922), Helgum
Helgum parish is the place of birth for all the
Lars Abraham's parents were Pehr Ersson, born
March 3, 1819 in Älvdalen, province of Dalarna, dead
May 6, 1887 in Västergransjö, Helgum and Margareta
Andersdotter, born October 10, 1820, dead February
11, 1911 in Västergransjö Helgum.
Margaretas Jonsson's parents were Per Jonsson
(1830-1886), tanner in Nora parish (Y) and Margareta
Lindgren (1835-1919).
My maternal Grandfather was Erik Albert
Strindberg, born January 1, 1891 in Sollefteå He
died on September 21, 1963 in Sollefteå (Y).
My maternal Grandmother, Anna
Strindberg (nee Pettersson)
Anna Pettersson married Albert Strindberg and
moved from Helgum to Sollefteå.
Erik Albert Strindberg (see above).
Anna was born May 11, 1897 in Mellangransjö,
Helgum parish (Y) and died May 12, 1966 in Sollefteå.
Albert and Anna had a farm, Kläpparna, just south of
The image to the right shows
Anna Strindberg (maiden name
My Grandmother’s Siblings
Fabian Pettersson
Master house painter Fabian Pettersson was born June
6, 1891. In 1934 Fabian and his family moved to
Hälleforsnäs, province of Södermanland, where his
brother Viktor lived. Fabian was a house painter and
succeeded his bother as the owner of Viktor's House
painting Company when Viktor died in 1939.
In 1928 Fabian married Anna Söderström. She was
born on March 21st 1894 and died on June 7th 1983.
Fabian died on February 26 1960. Fabian and Anna
got 4 children.
Viktor Pettersson
Master house painter Viktor Pettersson was born
March 22, 1893. He moved from Helgum to
Hälleforsnäs, province of Södermanland (D) where
he founded a house painting company. The name of
the company today is Hälleforsnäs Måleri AB. He died
in September 1939, cause of death was pneumonia.
Viktor married Elin Englund. They got three children.
The picture is a photo of the Pettersson house in
Helgum (Y). The house is no longer within the Family.
Descendant chart Lars Abraham Pettersson
Ancestor chart Anna Strindberg
Relationship to Anna Strindberg
Relations to King Karl IX:s son Duke Karl Filip?
Photo Gallery the Pettersson family (Y)
The charts are in Swedish but are easy to
understand. Click on "s * " in the charts to navigate.
Descendant charts are family charts beginning
with an ancestor back in times, a progenitor,
and shows all descendants down to present
Ancestor charts are family charts beginning
with a person in present times and show
ancestors back in times.
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A short dictionary for the charts: